A new service is offered in the vascular department at Laniado Hospital: treatment of varicose veins in the legs by means of radio waves

The treatment is currently offered mainly in private clinics and hospitals. It can be received it with a HMO’s Form 17 (payment obligation)

Varicose veins in the lower limbs is a well-known problem. Varicose veins are formed, among other things, when the one-way valves found in the walls of the veins lose their elasticity and expand, causing reverse blood flow towards the feet and increases intravenous pressure. This phenomenon causes expansion of the prominent veins – “varicose veins”. It is estimated that about 40% of the adult population suffers from varicose veins in the legs. The reasons for the development of varicose veins are unknown, but pregnancy and genetic predisposition are considered risk factors for their development. Overweight and obesity, prolonged standing without movement, multiple pregnancies and lifting heavy loads can aggravate existing varicose veins. Varicose veins in the legs may cause a variety of symptoms such as swollen veins, pain, local itching, a feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the leg and aesthetic damage. Residents of Netanya and the Sharon area suffer from the phenomenon of varicose veins in the legs, according to the prevalence of the phenomenon in the general population. Therefore, it is necessary to offer clinical solutions within the framework of a hospital that provides service to the local community.

The most advanced treatment is burning the varicose veins with radio waves (ablation). The treatment is currently offered mainly in hospitals and private clinics. The cost of a private service can reach thousands of shekels. Laniado Hospital currently offers the treatment, using a simple form 17 from the health insurance funds. The effectiveness of the treatment is proven – about 90% success, with a minimum risk of various complications. The treatment actually closes the dilated blood vessels, allowing blood flow in healthy blood vessels, thus shrinking the varicose veins to their natural size. The operation takes between half an hour and an hour, without the need for hospitalization. The treatment is performed at Laniado Hospital by the head of the vascular department – Dr. Anton Kvasha.

Recently, a patient from Equatorial Guinea, Dr. Vladimir Karol, who works as an urologist in the hospital in this African country, arrived to Laniado in order to receive the radio wave treatment in the vascular department under the management of Dr. Anton Kvasha. The treatment is not offered in Equatorial Guinea at all. Therefore Dr. Karol decided to come to Israel for a visit, to receive the advanced treatment.

The CEO of the Laniado Hospital said: “We continue to expand medical services that meet the needs of the community. The vascular department, managed by Dr. Kvasha, has been developing a lot in recent times, both in the aspect of purchasing equipment and instruments, both in the aspect of opening new services and in the aspect of reputable personnel. We are committed to providing an accessible medical service to half a million residents of Netanya and the Sharon Region”.

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