An inspiring life path: from a career in high-tech to a medical residency.
Meet Dr. Shani Eitan, the new resident physician in the pediatric department of Laniado Hospital. She is a mother of three children, a former biomedical engineer, and now a pediatrician at Laniado Hospital. Dr. Shani Eitan joined the hospital family this week, completing an exciting circle in a place that has accompanied her for years.
When her eldest son was hospitalized in pediatric intensive care as a baby, she made a decision that would change her life – to leave a successful career in high-tech and become a doctor.
As a part of the collaboration between Laniado Hospital and Ariel University, where the hospital serves as the university’s clinical field, Dr. Eitan completed her entire training course at Laniado Hospital – from student to intern.
A unique story occurred when, during her studies in the Gynecology and Maternity Department, while practicing ultrasound, she discovered that she herself suffered from a lack of amniotic fluid, and thus she went from student to patient, and gave birth to her third son at the hospital.
– “I choose Laniado”, – shares Dr. Eitan, – ” because here I can truly influence and make a difference. The magic of Laniado Hospital is in the human and special relationship, both to the staff and to the patients”.
You can read the full and exciting interview with Dr. Eitan this weekend in Yedioth Ahronoth.